• Atomically retrieves multiple items from one or more tables (but not from indexes) in a single account and region by delegating to TransactGetCommand.

    You can use the transactItem helper to create the request items.


    import { transactItem as tr } from 'dynamo-facade-v3';

    tr.get('movies', { actor: 'Tom Hanks', movie: 'Toy Story' }


    The same response returned by send()ing this command


    • transactItems: (Omit<TransactGetItem, "Get"> & { Get: undefined | Omit<Get, "Key"> & { Key: undefined | Record<string, any> } })[]

      The items to get in the format [{ Get: { TableName: ..., Key: ... } }, ...]

    • Optional options: Partial<TransactGetCommandInput>

      The options accepted by the original TransactGetCommand class

    Returns Promise<TransactGetCommandOutput>

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